Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Big Mystery

So, I come to work this morning at 8:20 (a little later than usual)... either way, I'm usually the last one here before our receptionist arrives at 8:30. However, today I am all alone - and I have no clue why. Where is everyone? Is it a holiday that I didn't know about? no. Was there a meeting that I forgot? nope. For the last hour I've been trying to look for clues. It appears my boss,Sue, was here earlier because her computer is turned on. Joi and Tanya's computers are off so they haven't been here. Nobody's car is here so it's not like they all left together for a Starbucks run. I kinda feel left out... but I don't know from what. What do I do? Oh... our receptionist just walked in. He doesn't know anything either. So now it's me and Jeff... which fortunately makes me feel safer. I must get back to playing detective. I'll keep you updated (as if you really care). If you never hear from me again... dial 911.


AJ said...
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vanessa said...
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Julie Hibbard said...

I remember that happening at the Church office once. I swear I was the only one in the building. At one point, I was convinced that the Rapture had occurred...and I was LEFT BEHIND!

andrea said...

I'm sure you always felt that Julie. All Stars were NEVER there! Well, except for you and my mom.