Wednesday, October 24, 2007


My apartment was white. Now it looks tan.
My eyes were white. Now they're red. And they burn.
My car was gray. Now it's gray with a beige coating.
The air was clear. Now it has gray and tan flurries floating everywhere.
Streets were clean. Now there is a pile of ash against every curb.
My lungs were whatever color lungs are. Now they are black.

Here's why:

Yep... this is the air I'm forced to breathe. This photo was not doctored... it was taken on the freeway by my house. You are not seeing fog or clouds. You're seeing smoke and ash... a thick haze - constantly! You know it's bad when you can look directly at the sun in the middle of the day and the only thing that affects your eyes are the ash flurries.

All I want to do is step outside where it is 56 degrees with a clear blue sky and a bright sun and take a deep breath.


Shawna said...

You've encouraged me to breathe more deeply. I'm so sorry - it's just the strangest thing to see pictures of beautiful San Diego and OC like this. I just remain speechless.

I think you need to come see me and breathe with me in Central Park! :)

Kristyn said...

Those pictures are unbelievable. Thanks for the updates! Keep 'em coming. Praying for you and your family.

NoBadDaysCourtney said...


Angel2 said...

I just love the part of this msg where you talk about not knowing what cooler lungs are. It made me laugh out loud!