Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, Alissa

Today my sweet sister turns... one year older! I wish I was with her to celebrate... but I'm not. Instead she is with her incredible husband, Greg, and the cutest little 1 year old boy in the world, Luke... and they are with... drumroll, please... the little peanut inside her belly! That's right, my sister is preggers again! She is nearing the end of her first trimester, so please keep her in your prayers. It's hard to believe that Luke is going to be a big brother! We are all very happy!

Anyway... Alissa, in honor of your birthday - this blog's for you!

When Alissa was a baby, I... was jealous that she had blond hair and that she was a baby and I was a "big girl." (yes i remember that even though i'm only 1 year older.)
I was told that I... potty-trained Alissa. Mom says that I would make her go to the potty when I had to go and "showed" her how to potty. Then when she went, I made sure I was in there to sing the "Hooray for Going Potty" song. I still know it.
One of my favorite things about Alissa from our childhood... was sharing a bed with her... for 16 years!!! Her hands are so soft and every night when she would fall asleep (it seemed like she always fell asleep before me) I used to love to hold her soft hand while I fell asleep. Then as we got older, we would sometimes lay awake for hours talking. And then we would fall asleep and she would spend her time stealing covers, kicking me, hitting me and breathing in my face.
Alissa, I'm sorry... that I was the one that told you about Santa. And for making you lift me in all of our synchronize swimming routines. And for being bossy. And for pulling your hair to the ground for stealing my bubbles. And for hitting you when you wore my scrunchie in the ocean. And for making fun of you when you made your angry face (you know... the one with the tongue). And for discouraging you in times when I should have been encouraging. And for being selfish. And for being judgmental. And for not listening well when we were younger. And for not accepting responsibility. And that I live so far away. And that I didn't say "I'm sorry" enough.
That was funny when... mom would tell us a thousand times to stop talking and go to sleep, then she would finally come in and spank us with our face buried in the pillow pretending to cry when we were really laughing. Dad would tie our hands together when we weren't getting along so we were forced to deal with one another (thanks for passing the toilet paper). When you held your claws in Jason's face and said "you want me to do it to you too?" When you fell down the stairs as you were trying to impress that really serious guy. When your prom date picked you up in that 1985 limo.
I really like that... I have a sister that everyone loves and respects. Seriously! She is one of the sweetest, most gentle persons you will ever meet (but knows how to be feisty). She strives to be the best woman, wife and mom she can be (and succeeds!). I don't know a single soul that does not like my sister. And she is worth every ounce of love that people have for her.
By now, I hope you know... that I can still beat you up. That I really don't know it all. That you are a fantastic mommy! That you are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! How much I look up to you. That I am always here for you. That I consider you one of my best friends. That I wish we lived closer to one another. That you have a great husband and the sweetest little boy. That you are a great wife. That I love you SO SO SO SO much! Oh, and that I will always beat you in Phase 10 ('cause it's about strategy).

I hope that you have a wonderful birthday and I know that this is going to be a GREAT year for you!!


Kristyn said...

This post is so sweet, and so funny as well!
I was there for the 1985 limo pick-up, and am embarrassed to say I made a comment about the limo and I believe it's on the video tape, right? Sorry about that!
Happy Birthday Alissa!!

Greg, Alissa, Luke and Jack said...

Thanks for the made my day, and it made me laugh and cry at the same time!

Ahh, yes, the 1985 limo. The best part was the "radio" inside that was just a jambox shoved by the side of the seat that fell on me every time we turned. It was awesome.

I have great childhood memories with you, and I could apologize for a lot too! :) Part of me wants my kids to share a bed, because I want them to have some of the same experiences and memories that we did! :)

Love you and miss you!

Angel2 said...

That made me laught and cry! For reals, ok I have to go to bed! It's 11:00 and my hubby was in bed an hour ago. Really, the more I read, the more I miss you!