Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day... as I see it

Happy Valentines Day to all! This is an awkward holiday to me... here's why:

If you're single, it doesn't affect you much except when people ask you:
them: "so what are you doing for Valentines Day?"
you: "Uh... nothing, really."
awkward silence.
them: "oh. well don't worry, sweetie. Mr/Ms Wonderful will come along someday."
you (inwardly): "a) not worried; b) don't act like you think I should have what you have"
you (outwardly): awkward laugh

If you're newly/kinda dating/hanging out with someone...
girls: should you expect something on this day of "love?" I mean, do you set the day aside just in case he wants a Valentine. When he does, do you get him something? Is he going to get you something? What if he doesn't and you do and he reads too much into it and breaks it off with you? Are you ready for that? If he does get you something and you don't, then you feel bad and can't enjoy it all because you think he might think you are no longer interested in him.
guys: do you do something? This is a lot of pressure for you. It's your first Valentine's Day with her... but what if it's the last? Okay... so you want to do something that tells her you really dig her. But what if it's too much - what if you do a super nice, romantic dinner and flowers and the whole shebang? Is she gonna read into it too much - I mean, you're not giving her your heart, but what if she thinks you are. Or what if she just freaks out in fear and runs out of dinner with you. So, you decide to tame it a little... but this is a lot of money. What if it ends up not working out with her in a couple of weeks. You don't want to spend this much money if it's just gonna go down the drain in a couple of weeks. So you just say "hey, wanna hang out tonight or something?" Let's face it - she's gonna leave you anyway.

If you're married:
Whatever has happened in Valentines past, must have worked because you're still together. But let's face it... it's not easy coming up with something annually that's new and expresses your absolute adoration and unconditional love for your spouse. And who plans it? Usually he does, but remember when she did? That was nice. But he can't ask because that's not spontaneous and now she knows you don't want to plan it. So maybe she'll offer, but what if she doesn't? And what are you going to get her? You can't afford more jewelry but you don't want her to think you love her less this year. Aha! You've had your eye on that plasma screen tv for awhile (who cares the cost!)... hey, she watches tv too - she'll love it! So you're set. Now, missy, what are you going to get your husband? Last year he gave you that beautiful diamond necklace and you got him boxers with hearts on it and that book about how to love you. Even after all your apologies you still feel bad so you have to go big this year. Maybe that stupid plasma screen he's been talking about will do... wait - it's too expensive...

Thus, I've decided to look at Valentines Day like any other day. And if something happens that's special, then I'll be able to appreciate it without all the anxiety and "what if's". (But secretly I'll just hope).


vanessa said...

#1 How exciting you have a blog!

#2 Interesting perspective on Valentine's day - especially the married one! I just mentioned the other day that I think Valentine's day is more for people who are dating. There's that element of surprise that keeps you on your toes all day. But I guess I'm wrong, after reading your thoughts. Hahaha.
A diamond necklace (which, p.s., made me laugh)? No. Dinner, a card and snuggling while watching 24 suffice! Lucky, Mark. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha- too funny. This totally reminds me of high school- when you were dating but not sure if you were too serious to get a cd but not serious enough for something really meaningful (which really means expensive.) AH- the drama that is V-Day. Some call it V-D, but that might be something else.

AJ said... much for the quick read blogs. LOL. I LOVE you...but only because it's Valentines feelings may change tomorrow.