Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Two of a Kind

You know the One Republic/Timbaland song, Apologize? You know... the one that came out close to a year ago that was really good and then radio began to play it back-to-back, over and over again; they performed it on every Awards Show, Talk Show, Late Night Show that exists? And finally you said "Okay! We get it! It's too late to 'pologize!" You know which one I'm talking about, right?

And you've heard me mention the dear that works in my office. You know, the guy who likes to sing his flavor-of-the-month song over and over again, but he doesn't want to sing it too loud so as to not disturb anyone, so he does the Whisper-singing thing? You know, the whisper-singing thing that's not really whispering and it's not really singing? It's just kinda... annoying, breathy tones? And, you know, this is the same guy who likes to beat his fingers, hands, feet, elbows, WHATEVER he can on the desk, floor, book, monitor, WHATEVER he can to the beat (or close to the beat) of the song. You remember this guy, right?

Ya, these two just met today.


Kristyn said...

I know that it is so annoying, but I am laughing SO hard!

Kristyn said...

I meant to say...that he is so annoying

Angel2 said...

Hiarious! Ugh, thank you for that!

Lisa Marie said...

Oh, dear. I am that person. Except it's not even cool music that I sing. Yikes...very funny post ;-)

Josh Treece said...

This is an incredibly funny post! Great job!