Monday, February 25, 2008

Tagged... again

I was tagged, so here you go:

10 years ago:
I was a freshman at Texas A&M University (whoop!) 10 years ago! I can't believe it was really that long ago. The spring semester of my freshman year is when I met those who would be and are still among my best friends. These friendships are what made my college years what they were - seriously some of the best days of my life. I have the best memories with these friends of living together, going to football games, studying at Sweet Eugene's, going on small weekend trips, laughing so hard, devising our next prank on Pat's house, staying up until 3am just talking. We were (and are) there for each other to celebrate with and to cry with. I LOVED those days!

Things on my to-do list today:
Finish the field layout for a big event I'm planning in a few weeks
Prepare the agenda for a meeting with my committee this afternoon
Organize/clean my desk
Meet my friend at the gym to work out
Make dinner and eat it
Do my taxes
Put away my clean clothes
(ugh... Mondays are so boring!)

What would I do if I was suddenly became a Billionaire?
This is hard for me to imagine. I know I would give a large chunk to my friend who is moving to Madagascar, Africa to do some mission work. I would buy a house, invest some, quit my job and travel a bunch (and I would pay for friends to travel with me). I would give to my church and other ministries - especially international ministries that deal with human trafficking.

Three of my bad habits:
1. Clenching my jaw
2. Letting my room get messy when I'm busy
3. Forgetting to get my oil changed (the oil man yelled at me yesterday for this)

Five jobs I have had:
1. Event Planner
2. Product Development Director
3. Office Manager
4. Administrator
5. Nanny

Five things people don't know about me:
1. I have come to really enjoy time with myself - Saturday mornings are my favorite.
2. When I was little I was called Annie - some of my family still calls me this.
3. I am an "actor" in kid's videos that are sold to churches around the world. I've been recognized in strange places which is really creepy. And, no, you will never see these videos.
4. I have become really good at saying 'no' and not feeling bad about it - SO freeing. I used to say yes to everything... and them complain about how busy I was or how much I hated doing what I agreed to do.
5. I have been in 19 weddings (i know) and had a friend that began writing a script entitled "Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride" that was loosely based on this part of my life. When "27 Dresses" came out, he stopped writing it indefinitely.

Now I'll tag 5 people: Allie, Alissa, Courtney W, Julie, Shawna

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm so freaking smart...

But not as smart as Cathi. She was 6 seconds faster than me. dang.

In 2m 36s
Click here to Play

Can you beat me?

Monday, February 18, 2008

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things 1

These are a few of my favorite things right now... in no particular order. If I was rich and had a tv show, I would give these to you. But I'm not.
1. NARS lipgloss in Greek Holiday - PERFECT color

2. These flowers my sister got me for my birthday - they're gracing my kitchen table

3. Trader Joe's Goat Cheese Pizza - YUMMY! I crave this all the time.

4. Aveida Hand Relief

5. The iphone - even though I don't have one... yet.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Okay... I do NOT look like Winnie Cooper...

And I do NOT look like Tina Fey...

And if anyone tells me that again, I will hit them.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Things that Never Fail to Make Me Smile

(I got the idea for this post on someone else's blog... I just can't remember who it was. So, if it was you, you're more than welcome to take the credit.)

Here are just 34 things that never fail to make me smile (in random order):

1. My nephew, Luke.
2. Joel McHale on The Soup
3. Watching Natalie perform
4. A surprise letter in the mail.
5. When a friend gets pregnant/has a baby, gets engaged/gets married
6. Watching someone discover something new, especially about themselves
7. The Office
8. Crabby old ladies at the Trader Joe's (a whole foods market for you not on the west coast) by my house.
9. Sweet old men at the Trader Joe's by my house.
10. Figuring out clues from Lost
11. A kiss on the forehead.
12. When someone decides to let down their guard with me.
13. When someone lets me be vulnerable with them even though I'm scared.
14. When I feel pride for who I have become... and am still learning to be.
15. The love I feel for my friends and family.
16. The love I feel from my friends and family.
17. When I'm told I'm funny.
18. When someone falls and is not hurt (even if it's me).
19. When I hear a parent tell their child "I'm so proud of you."
20. Sunny days
21. Falling asleep to rain
22. Finishing a good book
23. A long, quiet morning (with coffee)
24. When I sense God's very real presence
25. When I hear a good song that reminds me of my childhood... like, "I Wanna Dance With Somebody"
26. When I hear a stupid song that reminds me of my childhood... like, "Tonight I Celebrate My Love" (did my mom know that we were memorizing the words w/o knowing the meaning???)
27. When I was a nanny and a child would correct me by reminding me of a lesson I had just taught them.
28. When I'm carded
29. Dreaming of my future
30. When my house is clean (even though I hate the process)
31. When I wake up and remember it's Saturday and I don't have to get up and go to work
32. Going to the beach
33. Stewie and Peter on The Family Guy
34. Alan's puns

What makes you smile?

Monday, February 4, 2008


I promise I will be updating soon.

In the meantime, please go to my sister's blog to see how stinkin cute my nephew is.