- Futuristically - meaning: thinking ahead
- It's a Christmas reef - instead of wreath
- "He totally threw a conipshit" - instead of conniption fit
- "I've already aten" - instead of eaten
- "After I got my hair did..." - instead of done
- Tooken - instead of 'taken' or 'took' (and when i tried to explain the correction, she didn't know what "past tense" meant)
- "He's very family-orientated" - instead of -oriented
- It's a Good Samariman - instead of Samaritan
- Anytime she sees "misc." she reads it as "mystic" (no lie!)
- (*) is an astridge - instead of asterisk
- She recently said "Why is this the first year they're doing a cackus?" - instead of a caucus (and we had to tell her that caucuses have existed for decades!)
- She can't wait to see the movie, Entonement - instead of Atonement
- Tastistic - instead of statistic
- I don't even know how to spell how she says "wheel barrow"
- She just started eating bre-fast - instead of breakfast
- She always says stuff like "I've been trippin on the internet and came across..." or "hey, wanna bust a lunch?"
- I must mention that she consistently calls me "homey" "sista" "dude" "girlfriend" "g"
Again, she says these all the time - over and over - correcting doesn't work. Here's the best part of all: her job title is Communications Manager. Yep!
Let me also add: she's great and I like her as a person.
Sorry, that is just disgusting! I can not stand incorrect grammar usage. And from your communications manager? Please...
Some of these things are just not excusable! Ugh!
Oh - dat's so much unbelieveableness!
i don't know how you don't just bust out laughing!
I can hardly make it through READING these, much less hearing them!!
I always notice when people say, that was the JEST of the story. (instead of jist)
Even though I've heard these a hundred times, I'm still dying of laughter!
I'm going to start saying conipshit. That is freaking hilarious!
Too funny!
I can hear our conversation about this play over and over in my head and I'm cracking up!! I like you a lot, I think you're the bestest.
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