Friday, October 3, 2008

Okay... seriously!

1. OJ Simpson is on trial
2. We are at war in the Middle East
3. 90210 has just started (again)
4. Bush is president
5. New Kids on the Block just came out with a new album



Anonymous said...

Oh MY GOSH! How weird! I never thought of that before!

Cathi said...

You are amazing- this is why I love you!

Shawna said...

SO true. and...people here are wearing converse with everything. ick.

Ange said...

and NKOTB is back on tour. And I'm going to see them on Wed...I'm a happy girl!

Anonymous said...

You are SMART! dot

Phil Chenery said...

A glitch in the Matrix perhaps?

Phil Chenery said...

I've just posted a link to you from my blog. Check it out!!