I am a grammar/vocabulary freak... it's one of few things that I'm anal about. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else, I'm just saying mistakes in this area stand out at me even when I make them. Typically I don't correct people - I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they just messed up. However, I work with someone that is clearly not as anal as I am and has a hard time in this area.
I've started correcting her because she says it's okay to... and I gently let her know. But inside I am sometimes DYING laughing... it's so entertaining (in the nicest way possible). Here are a few things she says
- Futuristically - meaning: thinking ahead
- It's a Christmas reef - instead of wreath
- "He totally threw a conipshit" - instead of conniption fit
- "I've already aten" - instead of eaten
- "After I got my hair did..." - instead of done
- Tooken - instead of 'taken' or 'took' (and when i tried to explain the correction, she didn't know what "past tense" meant)
- "He's very family-orientated" - instead of -oriented
- It's a Good Samariman - instead of Samaritan
- Anytime she sees "misc." she reads it as "mystic" (no lie!)
- (*) is an astridge - instead of asterisk
- She recently said "Why is this the first year they're doing a cackus?" - instead of a caucus (and we had to tell her that caucuses have existed for decades!)
- She can't wait to see the movie, Entonement - instead of Atonement
- Tastistic - instead of statistic
- I don't even know how to spell how she says "wheel barrow"
- She just started eating bre-fast - instead of breakfast
- She always says stuff like "I've been trippin on the internet and came across..." or "hey, wanna bust a lunch?"
- I must mention that she consistently calls me "homey" "sista" "dude" "girlfriend" "g"
Again, she says these all the time - over and over - correcting doesn't work. Here's the best part of all: her job title is Communications Manager. Yep!
Let me also add: she's great and I like her as a person.